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Dwelling Place

We are so blessed to be the chosen people created before the foundation of the world to be the habitations of God. We are the privileged people designed to be vessels of His surpassing glory.

LORD, I have loved the habitation of Your house, And the place where Your glory dwells.

Psalm 26:8

God calls us to enter into the fullness and simplicity of this life. Religion makes things complex. Jesus simplifies. Life in Him is simple, but sacrificial.

There are verses in the scriptures that are keys and unlock the blessings of many other promises of God revealed in the scriptures. One of these verses is “seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you” (Matt. 6:33). And it is true that by putting the Lord first in our hearts and in everything we do that all the other blessings in the scriptures are fulfilled.

Another like it is “Love the Lord and love your neighbor all the law and the prophets are fulfilled in these . . . (Mark 12:31). These are key verses that open the doors of our lives to the flood of heaven?s blessings and most of all His manifest presence.

A Promised Experience

Jesus promises us an experience of the Father’s love as we hold His commandments in our hearts. He will love us and manifest Himself to us when we learn to love, treasure and obey His words.

He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.

John 14:21-22

Jesus spoke many words but His key commands to us were to love God and love our neighbor. To do unto others, as we would have them do unto us the heart of this being love. God is love. He who loves is of God.

If someone says that He loves God, but does not love his brother he is a liar and the truth is not in him. Jesus also added to this by saying that the world will know us by our love for one another interesting that He did not say your love for God.

The reason Jesus said this is because the true measure of whether you love God or not is if you love your neighbor and your brother in Christ. We are taught to have fervent love for the people of God, the saints. The definition for saint is holy one. So the Father views us as holy ones before Him. God is holy.

Purity is part of His nature. We also know that love is central to that same nature. So holiness and love are very much intertwined. These are inseparable from one another. Jesus was the very image of God on the earth. He was and is known for His great love. We also know that He was without sin, the holy Lamb of God. Again, holiness and love are purely represented in the Lord Jesus. So as we engage ourselves into the depths of God’s love poured out by His Spirit within us, we enter into His most profound holiness and walk worthily of the title saint or holy one. Jesus being the Holy One of God, we are grafted into that wonderful life with Him.

Today commit yourself in covenant with God to set your heart to walk worthy of the calling where you have been called to love unconditionally with a sacrificial heart surrendered to His desires. He has promised to make His abode within you. He constantly looks throughout the earth to find those whose hearts are toward Him. He seeks a heart that He can call home.

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